Monday, 12 November 2012

final CGPA,happiness vs sadness

Salamat everyone~
It have been quite a long time i'm not writing,update my blog
and now, alhamdulillah Allah still gives me a chance to share with others


Our Prophet Muhammad SAW remembered us to share with others event a sentence.

As the result just revealed last week remind me about my ex-classmate's words.
Allahu yubarik fiki, insyaAllah~
During our conversation, she thought to me that

"failed and succeed, both are test from Allah"

See,there are always something behind.

The person who failed now is being test by Allah
He wants to see how we are going to control ourselves, accepting the fate that we failed this time.
How to recover it?
How to repair the past mistakes?
What's wrong we have done in the past that affected our result?
Why we are tested by this failure?
It's all about how tough our Iman to face the reality~

Why success is also a test from Allahu 'Azza Wajalla????
Because, whenever people succeed they always forget!
Human=Insan=Nisyan=King of Forget (maybe)
Allah want to test
Allah want to test
Allah want to test
Whether His slave being thankful or proud
Whether these people humble or ripple
Whether that human  kneel towards Him or talking to others
Whether the group of insan cried happier or enjoy themselves laughing
Whether the body lent do a thanksgiving feast or party celebration

Actually, i want to say that we must sincere in everything we done. 

Allah never look at the output or result
The most important thing is the Input or effort together with sincerity

Dear brothers and sisters, Allah still granted us a space and opportunity to change
So, let's use it wisely
Never think that Allah is being unfair towards us
He knows the best for us right?
Do the best that we can and always pray that Allah will forgives all the past mistakes



  1. subhannallah syukran kerana mengingatkan kami

    1. afwan katsiran
      hanya ini sahaja sedikit usaha yang saya mampu lakukan untuk pembangunan ummah, insyaALlah~
      terima kasih kerana sudi membaca
